Mike Grovue headshot

Mike Grovue


Wealth Strategist, President

Mike is a true altruist who serves on the Community Giving Committee, satisfying his desire to give back and help others.

Meet Mike

As a Wealth Strategist, Mike works closely with clients to understand their needs to help create impactful financial plans. He finds the most fulfillment in developing a connection with each of his clients and building meaningful relationships to implement actions to reach their goals.


Fun Facts about Mike:

  • Had served for the last 12 years on the board of a private school for autistic children
  • Really into cross country skiing
  • Pedals to the office every chance he gets, weather usually does not get in the way
A maze of white boxes and holes on a square white background.

The relationships that come from translating individual effort to group effort are the greatest rewards in working on highly efficient teams. Leadership through connection is my passion.

Mike Grovue

Mike's Specialities

A maze of white boxes and holes on a tall white background.

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