Rick Green headshot

Rick Green


Wealth Strategist, Partner

As a founding partner of Sagium, Rick's passion is to help clients enjoy their wealth and the aspects of their lives that are most important to them.

Meet Rick

Rick intends to create life-long relationships with every client and build succession plans to ensure they can pass their values and wealth onto the next generation.


Fun Facts about Rick:

  • Music lover and severely under-talented guitar and piano player
  • Finds joy in kayaking, cycling, lying on a beach and the lifelong challenge that is golf
  • Could have been a professional football player if only he had the talent
  • Grew up as the family Monopoly champion
An inset grey strip for a ball to roll in, on a white background.

The work we do is purposeful. We help clients feel fulfilled by their dreams, often as they transition from the pursuit of wealth to the pursuit of meaning.

Rick Green

Rick's Specialities

A maze of white boxes and holes on a tall white background.

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